Getting to Okay


Wrong. It’s not that easy. Being okay takes time, honesty, introspection, courage, support, being both gentle and strong within yourself, and a whole lot of brutal work.

A year ago tomorrow my world shook yet again with the discovery of an ugly truth. It changed me forever. In ways I’m still struggling with but ultimately for the better I think. I’m stronger now. I see myself more clearly – both in who I am and who I want to be. I’ve received so many gifts and felt a lot of pain. I’ve fallen down time and time again but I keep dusting myself off, standing back up with my head held high, and walking forward into another day.

I’m still healing. I’m still not totally okay. But I like my life and love the people who I have chosen to be in it. I don’t have regrets. I feel joy and laugh often. I’m like a dragon, born from war, breathing fire, beautiful and strong, and with a soft underbelly that I acknowledge but will only expose to those I trust.

This is all to say that I’m well on my way to being okay. So if you need it, take this: you too will get there.

Being okay takes time, honesty, introspection, courage, support, being both gentle and strong within yourself, and a whole lot of brutal work….one day at a time. Sometimes one moment at at time. But you can do it. Have faith.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Anonymous
    May 13, 2012 @ 05:38:52

    You are loved by so many. You make my world a better, brighter place. I am lucky to have a friend like you! xxoo


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