Things I Learned at the Sex Store

A visit to the sex store… so fun!  It was instigated by a recent recommendation from a friend about a new product that I was told I must try.  So off I went with another friend of mine for what I call R&D – that’s right, some Research and Development.  My R&D (in all forms) always results in some good insights and usually some great stories. So here are a few things I learned from my recent visit to one of my local sex shops (this one happens to be rather high-end but the staff always have a lot of great info to share):

1. Fuck-er-wear parties suck. The products suck and the level of knowledge sucks. I’ve been to some and I have to say that in my experience the products really are sub-par. My suggestion? Go to your local sex store and ask them if they would host a party for you. The advantage is that aren’t promoting one single brand and their knowledge is far greater (plus they have all that customer feedback to impart!)
2. Don’t use a silicone based lube with a silicone toy. Silicone on silicone does not happiness make….it actually breaks it down.  So remember this – if you have a silicone toy, use a water based lube.
3. Do your lube research. Silicone based lube will always stay slippery. Water based lube may start to feel tacky because the water gets absorbed by your body but the good stuff won’t get too sticky. Potential recommendations: the Pink line of products.
4. Books!! We browsed through several books including how-to’s and erotica. We were introduced to an author named Dr. Sadie Allison whose books were recommended. Titles include Ride ‘Em Cowgirl and Tickle My Pickle. The former talks about sexual positions that work for women and much more. The later…well it’s kind of obvious right?  Want to learn how to really handle that member, feel powerful doing it and make it less of a “job”? Check it out (review to come!)
5. Clitoral stimulant gel……we picked up a couple of brands that were recommended (they aren’t all created equal). Stay tuned for a review on these!!
6. What’s all the buzz about? So many vibrators to choose from! It’s completely a personal preference. Size, colour, texture, in/out, hard/soft. There are so many options! Good things have been shared with me about the We-Vibe. My friend bought one and will share how it compares to her regular companion “Lance”.
7. Going with friends makes all the difference. Really it’s all about the good time and the laughter. Yeah you find out WAY more than you may have wanted to know (you did WHAT, WHERE, with WHO???). But it’s a great way to come up with new ideas (yeah that vibrator remote control actually works from the next grocery store aisle) and hell, it’s just really fun!

So all in all, a fun way to spend your time. And I learned some new things, which I’m always happy about. If you haven’t been to the sex shop in a while, grab your bestie and go!  And I will be sharing some products reviews at a later date so watch for those!