All The Single Ladies…

I have to say that since becoming single, one of the things I cherish the most is my female friendships – old and new. I feel so lucky to have so many amazing women in my corner. They are there for me during all my ups and downs and show me so much love.

Last year when my break up was fresh, I registered for a support group designed to help you through the transition into singledom. I met three incredible women in that group and we are still very close. We’ve been through a lot together. I know it sounds corny but we are like kindred spirits. This is what happens when you share a common pain. Our journeys are our own but our roller coaster ride has been very similar and we understand what each of us is going through all too well.

Today we were texting back and forth (thank you imessage!!) and found ourselves shouting out all the benefits of being single. There’s still a lot of shitty involved in this healing process so it was uplifting to highlight the good side. So here it is, in no particular order, 35 things (that we came up with in twenty minutes!) that kick ass about being single:

  1. The toilet seat is always down.
  2. Someone isn’t spending money you don’t have.
  3. Sleeping wherever you want in your bed.
  4. Sleeping with whoever you want, whenever you want.
  5. Not having to compromise.
  6. Never having to check in.
  7. Not being disappointment and frustrated when your partner says they will do something but doesn’t.
  8. Not having to read your partners mind.
  9. Not being let down.
  10. The excitement of flirting!
  11. Freedom!
  12. Eating chips for dinner.
  13. Not having to drag your partner to social events they don’t want to go to.
  14. Not feeling guilty for doing things you enjoy without your partner.
  15. Being able to talk to your girlfriends on the phone for as long as you want.
  16. Finding yourself again!
  17. Girls nights out and girls weekends!
  18. Naughty emails and sexting with random men.
  19. No commitments!
  20. Self-growth!
  21. A bright future with endless possibilities!
  22. Wearing whatever you want without needing approval.
  23. No second guessing yourself because of your partner.
  24. Watching whatever you want on TV – remote in hand!
  25. Decorating the house the way you want to, including girly bedding.
  26. Buying whatever you want with your money.
  27. Not taking on your partner’s insecurities.
  28. Less housework!
  29. Less bullshit!
  30. Not having to pretend that you are getting off.
  31. Exploring your sexuality.
  32. Not having to deal with someone else farting in bed and them thinking it’s funny!
  33. You can stay out as late and drink as much you want!
  34. Discovering your inner strength!
  35. Finding your power again!

So to all you single people out there – women and men – don’t let being single make you feel bad (or God forbid let someone else make you feel bad about it). I know it can feel lonely sometimes but try to enjoy it. Because there’s a lot to enjoy. And it most likely won’t last forever.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Sarah
    Mar 01, 2012 @ 05:55:03

    Hell ya!


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